Areas of Coaching


The relationship of the people in the company is the human glue that holds the company together and has it operate at its maximum capacity. A coach helps you get to really know your people, their needs and what motivates them.

Emotional Intelligence

Briefly this has to do with being able to handle situations with compassion through self-awareness and self-discipline. The best managers score high in emotional intelligence.


Listening is the key to being an effective coach. Sometimes it is lonely at the top and an executive needs a listener and effective dialogue to sort through issues and decisions. A coach knows the kind of questions to ask that lead to insights and openings for action for the executive in his or her accountabilities.


This ranges from active listening to formal assessment tools and reports about an executives performance, behaviour and possible blind spots. Feedback enables the executive to create development plans that increase performance sometimes through behaviour modifications. 

Strategic Design

Creating and implementing personal or corporate Vision, Mission, Purpose and core values.

Stretch and Risk

We will push ourselves outside of our comfort zone with the support of a great coach.


What is it and what is mine? We think our passion is those things we love to do, I say those things are an expression of our passion, that our passion is our gift, what we make available in the world; our purpose. What is the legacy you want to leave behind? 


Re-examining goals and values from a holistic approach. Being a CEO, president, manager etcetera is not who you are in life, it is only one aspect of a full life of friends and family and interests. How do we keep harmony in all of these areas?

Effective Communication

The gift of language as a tool. Both speaking and listening do only one of two things in life. They create or destroy. Know the difference and honor the tool.

Personal Power

Where does it come from outside of knowledge?